It is unlikely that anyone needs to be reminded that during a fire, you need to not only dial the fire department, but also move towards the exit.
In this case, you should follow several simple but very important rules, which we will tell you about in this article.
What to do during a fire
Cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth. Breathe in and out slowly, trying to breathe without holding your breath.

As you move towards the exit, you need to bend as low to the floor as possible, as the smoke rises upward.
If there is a stream of panicked crowd on your way, remember that it is very difficult to escape from it, so your task is to get to the exit, the stairs or (at least) to the wall.
You can jump out of a window if it is not higher than the 3rd floor. However, to reduce the distance to the ground by a good 60-70 cm, first sit on the windowsill.
Earlier we talked about how to survive a bad streak in life.