In folk wisdom, serious attention is paid to the corners of the house.
There is a belief that evil spirits live in the above-mentioned places.
However, there are things that, according to signs, can protect residents from negative energy and attract good luck if they are placed in the corners.
As an example, we can cite one cleaning device that can be found in almost every apartment.
What to put in the corner of the room
According to signs, the very thing that protects apartment residents from troubles and misfortunes is a household broom.
However, it needs to be placed correctly.
As is clear from the above, the broom should be placed in the corner of the room. In addition, the bundle of twigs should be positioned so that the handle rests on the floor and the broom "looks" upward.
It is believed that in this case the device turns into a talisman that prevents the influence of evil spirits.
In addition, a correctly placed bundle of twigs is, according to beliefs, a talisman of good luck.
Earlier we told you what phrase you need to say to “cancel” the effect of the sign about a broken mirror.