Almost every person has house slippers.
However, few people know about the existence of places that are “dangerous” for such shoes.
It turns out that there are several areas in the apartment where you can’t leave slippers.

Folk omens mention possible undesirable consequences of ignoring recommendations.
So, where can you not leave your house shoes?
Under the bed
Many people often leave slippers under the bed, not without reason considering this option the most convenient.
However, it is advisable not to “hide” house shoes in this way.
It is believed that finding slippers under the bed can attract serious family problems: it is possible that the situation will lead to divorce.
Under the cabinet
Another piece of furniture under which you should not leave house shoes is a wardrobe.
If you do put slippers there, then the apartment residents may, according to the signs, become victims of a burglar.
Near the door
You can’t leave slippers in this position only in one case: if the shoes are “looking” at the door with the front end forward.
This arrangement of slippers symbolizes leaving home and, according to beliefs, can lead to one of the family members becoming offended by the others and deciding to live elsewhere.
Earlier we told you why you shouldn’t carry money in your pocket without a wallet.