It is believed that every person is protected by a guardian angel throughout their life.
It appears after a person has undergone the rite of baptism.
We will tell you about five signs by which you can determine that your guardian angel is nearby.

How to understand that a guardian angel is nearby
Firstly, unusual sensations may indicate the presence of a guardian angel: an unexplained increase in temperature, goosebumps, tingling on the top of the head.
Secondly, a sign from a guardian angel can be an inner voice that suddenly suggests a solution to a problem.
Thirdly, a guardian angel can appear in a dream. Such a dream means that a person should not worry about what is happening.
Fourthly, a guardian angel may appear in the form of a stranger helping a person in a difficult situation.
Also, a sign of the presence of a guardian angel can be happy accidents that allow you to avoid trouble.
Previously, we talked about how to deal with unreasonable fears.