People are willing to believe in money omens, perhaps because making money is not as easy as losing it. Use proven tips that definitely work.
TOP 20 money signs
The desire to magically get rich and protect yourself from financial failures has given rise to a large number of superstitions. In order not only to increase your financial wealth, but also not to lose finances, adhere to the following signs:

You can't whistle in the house. Anyone who decides to whistle in a house or apartment will scare away the flow of money from the owner of the house.
It is forbidden to pass banknotes over the threshold. It is recommended to step over it first and then give the money into hands.
You should not give money from hand to hand to strangers, including when buying goods. Such a sign promises the loss of financial success and well-being. It is better to first put the bills in the place designated for them, from where the one to whom they are addressed will take them.
To ensure that money never runs out in the house, you need to put coins under the tablecloth of the dining table.
In the first days of the waxing moon, you should show the new moon a coin or a banknote, and then put the money in your wallet. It is believed that such actions can bring large profits.
The broom in the house should be stored with the broom up. After each use it should be rinsed with cold running water.
If a man gets his hair cut and shaved on Fridays, his house will never run out of money.
There should always be a “non-exchangeable” banknote in your wallet that cannot be spent.
It is not recommended to lend money in the evening or to count it after sunset.
If you count other people's money, you won't have any of your own.
It is better to pay for large purchases with bills folded in half.
It is necessary to buy a new wallet during the waxing moon. Women should prefer red shades, and men - brown. It is believed that such a color scheme attracts wealth.
To increase wealth, it is recommended to have “money” plants in the house - zamioculcas (dollar tree) or crassula (money tree, fat woman).
Money obtained by fraudulent means will not bring happiness. Moreover, it is believed that it will take away the savings already existing.
It is important that any financial income "stays overnight" at home. It can only be spent the next day.
It is advisable to keep money in the kitchen. If you keep it under the mattress of the bed or in the closet, there will be no prosperity in the house.
You need to take out the trash from your home before sunset. If you do it in the evening, you will not have enough.
You should not put your bag on the floor, as such actions lead to lack of money and poverty.
If you wash the floors on Thursdays, adding a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil to the water, money will always be in the house.
Wealth will come if you put a coin in a container of rice every day, starting from the first day of the waxing moon, until the full moon.
Money signs, along with active work, will help you achieve financial well-being and success, increase your income and multiply your wealth.
Earlier we talked about whether it is possible to carry icons in a wallet .