People who are positive about any coincidences and accidents that seem like an omen say: “This means money.”
And they are right to do so, because the first and main superstition in relation to money and wealth is: think well of money, and it will come to you.
Although, on the other hand, most of the common signs, indeed, concern the financial situation. For example, you can't take out the trash at night or throw anything out the window.

In both cases, this will lead to poverty. You should not wash the floor at night, and you should sweep crumbs off the table only with a rag, but not with your palm. Speaking of cleaning: you cannot keep two brooms in one house, otherwise you can "place" money in the corners.
Successful traders try to time their first sale of the day to a man so that the trade will be successful until the evening.
By the way, traders sweep up all the goods with the first money earned during the day, so that there is a large revenue, and colleagues from neighboring stores or outlets congratulate them "on the initiative." Such congratulations will bring good revenue to neighbors as well.
To have money at home, be sure to give small change to the poor, but do not look them in the eye, but rather simply repeat to yourself: “May the hand of the giver never be empty.”
It is not forbidden to lend money, but in no case should you do this in the evening. You should also not count money late at night - this leads to poverty.
And it is advisable not to enter into debt relations on Sunday and Monday, otherwise you will either not be able to return this amount, or you yourself will never see it again.
You should take money with your left hand and give it back with your right. It is better to give back the amount previously borrowed in smaller bills than you took it with.
If you are preparing for a major deal or serious negotiations, which, if successful, can bring you a good reward, try to schedule this important event for Thursday.
It is on this day that everything will go as it should. This, by the way, is confirmed by the stars, and not just by popular rumor.
Don't whistle in the house and don't leave empty containers on the table, you can't cut your own bangs or sit on the table. All these signs are also united by one important theme - so that there is always wealth in the house.
Speaking of outside observations, if you notice that your keys are getting rusty, it means that one of your friends is saving up money for a gift for you.
Previously, we talked about what to expect if a cat meows in the house .