Ukrainian priest says country faces serious punishment: 'ships will sail through Kyiv'

27.05.2023 19:09

Ukrainian priest Nikolai Trubin left his heirs several predictions about the future of his country.

The priest passed away back in 1997. It is known that he predicted an energy crisis for the fatherland and the flight of the population.

What Father Nicholas predicted

Cars will stand, perched by birds. And people will abandon their apartments in multi-story buildings and seek refuge in private homes, reports details of the prediction.

This will happen because there will be no heat or light in city homes, and the misfortunes will bypass only one city – Kropyvnytskyi (formerly Elisavetgrad).


Priest Nikolai also predicted a church schism. But the most important thing he warns his descendants against is the decision to accept Catholicism "even for one day, even for five minutes."

Photo: Pixabay

It was also said that due to the schism, Orthodox Christians will not be able to attend church services.

The cause of suffering

Nikolai Trubin saw the root of evil in apostasy from faith. For this, conflicts will fall upon the country, in which Ukrainians will be the first and most affected.

But as soon as Ukraine renounces the true Orthodox faith, Kyiv will be flooded due to the breakthrough of the Dnieper dam and “ships will sail through the city.”

The words of Father Nicolas are confirmed by the prediction of the Kyiv old woman Alipiya. She said that the day would come when Khreshchatyk would "collapse and flood it with water."

What the experts say

There is an opinion in scientific circles that the Kyiv dam is the most dangerous structure in the country.

The problem is not only in the volume of water that will flood the city, but also in the radioactive sludge that has accumulated at the bottom of the Kyiv reservoir.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What Father Nicholas predicted
  2. UOC and OCU
  3. The cause of suffering
  4. What the experts say