Many men on dating sites post bad photos, which reduces their chances of successfully starting a potential relationship with women.
As psychologists say, photographs are important for the simple reason that when opening a profile, the first thing that comes to mind is the photo.
Therefore, it is recommended to post high-quality photos on your account, ones in which you can be seen clearly.

What photos are said "no"
Psychologists do not recommend the following unsuccessful photos:
- with barbecue in the forest;
- wearing dark glasses or masks;
– against the background of various monuments or other attractions;
- with animals.
Regarding shashlik. Psychologists believe that such pictures can create the impression of superficiality and banality.
Moreover, some experts suggest that such photos indicate that their main character does not have important interests in life or unique hobbies.
What is important to ladies
Psychologists note that for some representatives of the fair sex, a man’s height is important.
For example, ladies often show a reluctance to date gentlemen shorter than themselves.
But still, the overall impression of the photo plays an important role: a smile, charm and confidence can be a big plus for the author of this content.
There are ladies who pay attention to the status of their potential knight, look at whether he has a car, what he wears, where he relaxes and where he lives.
Recommendations for men
In this regard, psychologists advise men: do not pretend to be a more successful person than you actually are.
There is nothing worse than a lie and, by the way, ladies really don’t like this kind of behavior.
But I like gentlemen who have a sense of humor, and it’s doubly good if common interests are discovered.
And yet: what kind of photos are best to use on dating sites?
According to psychologists, these are the ones where the facial features are expressive and natural, where the person is shown in dynamics (sports, travel, etc.).
It is very important to look confident and positive in the photo with a smile on your face.