It is unlikely that you will be able to get to the bottom of the specific reason why a man decided to cheat.
But one should not deny the existence of certain factors that “push” representatives of the stronger sex to take this step.
The following five reasons are most common in life.

1. Cheating is embedded in DNA. Of course, there is no “cheating gene” – we are talking, rather, about situations when infidelity is considered the norm in the family in which the boy is growing up. As a result, in adulthood, the man can reproduce this behavior pattern.
2. Affects the behavior of a man and his environment.
If there are cheaters among his friends, then it is quite likely that sooner or later the idea that cheating is an acceptable and normal practice will appear and take root in his head.
3. Loss of emotional connection with a partner, which results in betrayal, can also occur if a man feels that his chosen one is not developing or does not maintain interest in life.
4. The green light on the path to cheating also comes to men if their partner begins to pay more attention to children, household chores, etc.
In such situations, the head of the family begins to feel forgotten and unimportant in her life.
5. Finally, sometimes going left is connected with the absence of children.
If a couple cannot have heirs, this may influence the man's betrayal.
All of the above in no way justifies a man having a mistress, but only explains why cheating occurs.