Why does unreasonable jealousy towards a partner arise: psychologists have named an unexpected reason

21.01.2025 19:27

Unreasonable jealousy in itself is an unhealthy feeling.

But besides a hot temper or basic mistrust of a partner, psychologists highlight one special or even unexpected reason.

Psychologist Elena Solovyova spoke on the air of the radio station “ Moscow Speaks ” about why unfounded jealousy arises.

It turns out that this feeling hides one’s own desire to change.

The expert believes that the one who is most often jealous is the one who has flighty thoughts in his head.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For obvious reasons, a person does not allow himself to do this, and therefore takes out these feelings on his partner.

This is how unfounded jealousy appears.

But there is another reason that has its roots in childhood.

Jealousy may be related to the child's attention deficit or low self-esteem.

Something similar can happen when a child wants to be loved equally by both his father and mother.

But this is not always the case, and as a result, already in childhood, people begin to be jealous for the first time – of mom for dad or vice versa.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor