Why a woman shouldn't give advice to a man: 2 reasons

29.11.2024 16:43

Many representatives of the fair sex have a dangerous habit: they give advice to their companions too often.

Moreover, some women do this even if the man did not ask for a recommendation and was not interested in the opinion of his other half.

Dear ladies! Understand that men really don't like the following female remarks: "You did everything wrong. You should have done it differently", "You should act differently", etc.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is understandable that you want to help your partner. However, stop constantly turning into an "adviser"! For the following reasons:

Men perceive advice as an imposition of opinions

The desire to share unsolicited advice is perceived by representatives of the stronger sex as a rather aggressive form of behavior.

A man communicating with a female “adviser” is irritated by the fact that his companion “interferes in other people’s business.”

Understand: your partner wants to act independently in many areas. Especially in professional activities.

Men feel they are in a "subordinate" position

Representatives of the stronger sex, to whom they try to give advice, begin to feel vulnerable.

Such men feel that someone is trying to assert themselves over them.

Don't hurt your partner's pride! Don't share advice with him unless absolutely necessary.

For reference

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal communication) and groups (intergroup communication).

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Men perceive advice as an imposition of opinions
  2. Men feel they are in a "subordinate" position

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