Nowadays, beards are back in fashion among men.
And once she fell into disfavor, so much so that the society of bearded men almost relegated her to the lower classes.
Today, even very young boys try to have this hair – for the sake of respectability.

Older men consider their beards as a kind of attribute of their brutality.
Girls should know that kissing bearded men is extremely dangerous to their health.
Dermatologists say that beards contain a significant number of harmful microorganisms.
Even if the carrier of this vegetation takes care of it, these same microscopic entities still remain there.
In addition, the bristles are prickly, which means that they can damage a girl’s delicate skin when kissing.
And if this happens, the microbes will immediately move to a new “place of residence” through the microcracks that have appeared.
Moreover, a kiss with a bearded gentleman can result in impetigo, a common skin infection.
It is caused by bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci.
When they enter the skin or hair follicle, they cause inflammation.
Spots with blisters filled with serous fluid or pus form on the surface of the skin.
Therefore, love is love, but health comes first.