According to the Journal of Infidelity, 45% of cheating is committed by introverts, who disguise their romances as routine.
Psychologist Esther Perel warns: "Introverts don't create drama. Their betrayal is a quiet rebellion that you won't notice until it's too late."
Signal 1: Sudden "busyness" with a hobby
If a partner who used to read books at home is now “passionate” about night jogging or Japanese courses, you should be wary.

“I signed up for yoga so I could date an instructor,” Sofia, 32, admitted in an anonymous survey for Cosmopolitan.
Psychologist Brian Little explains in his book Change or Die: "Introverts rarely change their habits radically. If they do, look for an ulterior motive."
Signal 2: Digital Anesthesia
Introverts rarely text first… unless they're cheating. If a partner who's been ignoring your texts is now constantly on their phone, that's worrisome.
A study in Cyberpsychology Journal found that 68% of introverted cheaters text their lover more than their partner.
“He started putting his phone face down and even taking it into the shower,” Alisa shares in the podcast The Dark Side of Love.
Signal 3: "Random" references to strangers
“My colleague loves this show too,” he said, although he had never mentioned her before.
Psychotherapist Harriet Lerner warns: "Introverts are unconsciously 'testing' your reaction. If you remain silent, they will decide that cheating is safe."
But don't jump to conclusions! As The Atlantic writes, introverts often seek solitude because of stress, not romance.
The key is not interrogation, but observation. “I asked, ‘Do you need help?’ instead of ‘Are you cheating?’ He burst into tears and admitted to being depressed,” Olga shares on her blog Tikhaya Pravda.
How to protect relationships
Suggest a shared hobby. If he has signed up for a course, join him. This will reduce the risk of cheating ( Journal of Marriage and Family ).
Digital transparency: Don't check your phone, but offer to exchange passwords "for trust."
Silent therapy: Once a week, spend an evening without words, communicating through touch.
Remember that introverts rarely cheat spontaneously. If this happens, the problem is deeper than it seems.