Should You Forgive Your Husband's Cheating: Arguments for "Yes" and "No"

14.10.2024 07:20

Numerous studies in the field of psychology show that cheating on the part of men is a fairly common fact.

The results also clearly and distinctly state that it is not typical for representatives of the stronger sex to be faithful to only one woman!

This raises a very interesting question: “Is it worth forgiving your husband for cheating?”

The opinions of the ladies surveyed were divided. Some say "Yes", and some "No". Let's consider the arguments of both positions.

Arguments in favor of forgiving infidelity

The first and main thing that the supporters of "forgiveness of betrayal" note: forgiveness is necessary for the woman herself. And it is very difficult to argue with this! It does not matter whether she stays married to this man or not, but the moral burden will be an order of magnitude less. And, therefore, there will be less stress.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For the sake of the possibility of building other, healthier and more harmonious relationships. Another fact that should not be discounted is the possibility of building your own personal life after your spouse's betrayal.

After all, no one can guarantee that cheating will not become regular and that your loved one will not turn into a tyrant.

Therefore, if you decide to break up with a cheater, you should still forgive him. At least for the sake of being able to be happy with another person.

For the sake of their own protection and integrity of personality. If we start from the fact that, according to experts, men are polygamous, then cheating for them becomes a kind of technique for controlling their own wife.

Most of the arguments of men who cheat are: “She’s too boring”, “I wanted some variety, but it’s impossible with her”, “I’m tired of her”, and so on.

That is, representatives of the opposite sex find a huge number of reasons to justify their betrayal and to put it as a fault before their spouse.

So, you have to forgive. But only for the sake of protecting yourself. After all, it has long been proven that manipulation gradually destroys the victim's personality. And she ceases to be the person she was before.

For the sake of common material property. It may seem too cynical, but the modern world is very cruel in this matter. Very often, unfortunately, women are financially dependent on their spouse.

Therefore, you will have to forgive here only for the sake of preserving the "property acquired in a joint marriage." Because scandals can lead to a complete loss of the usual comfortable life.

Fear of destruction of the old life and the need to build a new one. Fear is a very, very powerful emotion that can provoke a person to do different things. Especially if it concerns the destruction of the old and the beginning of the new. In this case, about 99% of women would prefer to forgive the "cheating" spouse, but only to preserve the illusion of stability, peace and well-being.

Arguments against forgiveness

Using a spouse's betrayal as an incentive to move on. It is worth noting that some women do not forgive betrayal only because the emotional pain helps them improve: build their own business, improve their own skills, change their appearance, and so on.

For them, forgiveness is a sign of weakness. After all, if they forgive, they will lose a kind of “source of strength.”

Cheating is a tool of manipulation by the wife. Yes, yes, it happens.

The woman uses the very fact of betrayal to manipulate her husband through feelings of guilt.

The goals that a woman pursues can be different: from gaining complete control over the actions of her faithful to the unwillingness to independently decide her own destiny and make a fateful decision.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Arguments in favor of forgiving infidelity
  2. Arguments against forgiveness