Some women manage to find their future spouses on dating sites, while other ladies cannot find a worthy partner for years.
The secret lies not in the beauty and subtleties of correspondence: sometimes, to find a worthy man, you just need to correctly design your profile.
What are 3 tricks that will help with this?
Refusal of Photoshop and retouching
Everyone wants to impress and be more beautiful. But if you are planning a real meeting, then you should give up Photoshop.

On a date, a man will at best hide his disappointment, but is unlikely to write again.
Positive wording
Many women write profiles very aggressively, describing men they don't like. This subconsciously repels many potential admirers who don't like such negative vibrations.
Therefore, it is worth making the description more positive.
Photos that illustrate your lifestyle
If you don’t want to be invited only for a walk and to your home, then the photos should illustrate your lifestyle, leisure, hobbies.
In this case, the likelihood of meeting a worthy man will increase.