Many women change partners for years or are in a clearly unhappy marriage simply because they could not find “the one”.
This task is clearly not an easy one, since there are very few examples of happy couples who have lived together their entire lives.
How do you know if this is "the one" man in front of you?
He keeps his promises
If a man is able to keep his word, then this means one thing: he not only loves you, but also respects you. If these feelings are not there, then a man will never keep his promises.

Such behavior is typical only of the most worthy men.
You feel comfortable even in silence
Many people feel lost when they run out of things to talk about. They feel like they will be considered uninteresting and unnecessary. However, with "that one" person, even silence will be filled with comfort.
You can't even imagine yourself with anyone else.
Many women remember their exes or evaluate their admirers from time to time. If you have met the man of your dreams, then all the others will simply cease to exist for you.
Not only will you not want to spend time with them, but even texting a stranger will be boring.