The husband's wrong behavior can become the reason for the dissolution of the marriage.
And the decision to separate will most likely be made by the wife, who simply will not be able to forgive her husband or will understand his “incorrigibility.”
So, what are the specific mistakes men make that are likely to lead to divorce (even after many years of living together)?

Yes, some women forgive unfaithful partners.
But among the fair sex there are many who are not ready to continue living with a cheater.
A man who has found a mistress must understand: the probability of the marriage being destroyed is very high. Maybe it is not worth betraying a truly loved and close person?
Many women hate lies and are not ready to build a relationship with a liar.
Know: there is no such thing as a "small" lie. Even a "minor" deception can make a woman very angry.
Unwillingness to take responsibility
If a woman understands that her husband is an irresponsible person, then she can decide to break up, despite being deeply in love.
Representatives of the fair sex understand that it is practically impossible to create a happy family with an infantile spouse.
Lack of respect
A proud woman will not tolerate neglect, arrogance and insults from her husband.