What 3 Questions Men Don't Want to Hear from Women

04.06.2024 05:50

There are several women's issues that cause some representatives of the stronger sex to feel less than pleasant.

Men start to get nervous, angry, upset, and offended.

Advice for women: if you want to maintain a normal relationship with your partner, try to ask the following questions as rarely as possible:

"Who called you?"

There is nothing scary about this question. But only if it is not asked constantly.

A woman has every right to ask who exactly called her beloved man.

Photo: Pixabay

But you need to know when to stop. Asking this phrase after every phone conversation your companion has is definitely not the best idea.

The man will probably come to the conclusion that you are jealous and trying to control him.

As a result, he will start to get irritated, even if he was talking on the phone with a friend or boss.

"What are you thinking about?"

Many representatives of the fair sex like to ask this question to their partners.

And in vain, because many men really don’t like him.

For some reason, some guys get really angry when they hear this phrase.

They may be irritated by the meaninglessness of the question. It is possible that they consider this remark a provocation or an attempt to violate personal boundaries.

"Do you love me?"

It is clear that many women want to hear the phrase “I love you!” from their other half as often as possible.

However, you shouldn’t “bring” a man to this remark.

Representatives of the stronger sex often reason like this: “Can’t she see from my actions that I love her?”

Want a man to say something nice? Say, "I love you." And you'll probably get a similar answer.

Earlier we told you how to behave when meeting your significant other's parents.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "Who called you?"
  2. "What are you thinking about?"
  3. "Do you love me?"