How to understand that you have a great relationship: experts named 5 signs

29.05.2024 19:12

Sometimes, when we are in a healthy and quality relationship, we don’t even notice it: it seems to us that everyone around us is doing about the same.

However, it is better to learn to truly appreciate the good things you have.

In this case, there is a higher probability that you will never lose it.

Photo: Pixabay

What are the 5 signs that you have the perfect relationship?

You trust your partner completely

If a man says that he is going out with friends for a get-together or even to a club, you let him go with a light heart and do not ask him to go on a trip together: you know perfectly well that your partner values your relationship and will not meet other women.

If a lady says that she went to a spa or a cafe with her friends, then the man does not call every half hour and does not criticize the girl for her too spectacular appearance: he loves his woman and respects her beauty.

It is important to understand that such trust is cultivated over the years through an impeccable reputation and ideal behavior on the part of partners, experts note.

You respect each other's interests.

Each person can have their own interests: they are not obliged to report on them and justify themselves. If a hobby cannot harm a relationship in any way, then there is no point in criticizing it.

You may like Argentine dancing, and a man may like skydiving. That's fine. But that doesn't mean one hobby is better or worse than the other.

You talk about what you don't like, rather than silently harboring grievances.

Unfortunately, people feel each other perfectly and read minds without problems only in the movies. In real life, a person may not even guess that you are irritated by some habit.

Therefore, it is always worth talking about problems in the most environmentally friendly way. The goal should not be to speak out and splash out resentment, but to solve the existing problem once and for all.

You have good relationships with each other's relatives.

Often in families there are "competitions" and bad relationships between relatives. But this is a completely hopeless path.

Relatives are not rivals, competitors or enemies: it is always worth being friends with them and building relationships.

You really have deep feelings

Couples are not always held together by real emotions. Sometimes men simply do not want to lose comfort or are afraid that they will not be able to devote enough time to their children.

Women sometimes stay in relationships because of fear of loneliness or because of financial insolvency.

If you are connected by real strong feelings, then you should definitely appreciate it.

Earlier we talked about how to understand that a man doesn’t want a serious relationship .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the 5 signs that you have the perfect relationship?
  2. You trust your partner completely
  3. You respect each other's interests.
  4. You talk about what you don't like, rather than silently harboring grievances.
  5. You have good relationships with each other's relatives.
  6. You really have deep feelings

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