Women believe that the first thing a family man needs is food and entertainment.
In fact, family and domestic pleasures are far from the first point on the scale of a man’s basic life values.
And when it comes to healthy and lasting relationships, men expect respect – first and foremost.

What do men want
Respect doesn't cost a penny and that's what every man needs, but not all women understand that.
Without this, a lady's chances of winning a man's heart, whether she is a model or a beauty queen, are not high.
Showing disrespect
Undisguised irony regarding some male weaknesses can ruin everything if you have to deal with it constantly.
A man will simply childishly stop believing that a woman loves him.
Also, you shouldn’t express doubts about a man’s ability to provide for his family, stand up for himself, a lady’s honor, or simply calm down a noisy neighbor behind the wall.
This doesn't mean you have to carry men around. You just have to be careful what you say to him.
Earlier we talked about which women are at risk of growing old alone .