7 Signs a Woman Is Dating a Psychopath

12.05.2024 07:20

When a woman loves a man, she is ready to adapt to any nuances of his character, just to maintain the existing relationship and avoid conflicts.

But it happens that no matter how hard you try, conflict situations still arise, and it seems as if your partner is making them up just to quarrel.

But as soon as you get tired of the scandals and decide to break up, he immediately changes his anger to mercy and makes peace with you - and so on in a circle.

This behavior suggests that your man is a typical psychopath.

Who are psychopaths?

It should be immediately clarified that a psychopath does not mean crazy or feeble-minded. Such people can be very smart and reasonable. But they are not capable of pity for others, have an extremely unbalanced character and are distinguished by exceptional egocentrism.

Photo: Pixabay

The cause of such deviations are congenital disorders of mental processes that do not affect the intellect, but negatively affect the emotional sphere.

Signs of psychopathy in men

The important point is that it can be difficult to recognize a psychopath at first glance. Such a person can be charming and attractive. Psychopaths do not love anyone except themselves, but at the same time they are able to imitate the emotions of love, tenderness and compassion. However, there are several signs by which you can unmistakably identify a male psychopath.

1. Painful pride combined with increased sensitivity. A psychopath can get offended by you over the most trivial things.

2. Inability to feel pity and sympathy. When you are sick or in trouble, a man with psychopathic tendencies will never support you morally or feel sorry for you. Your problems and ailments will irritate him.

3. Manipulative tendencies. Psychopaths are skilled manipulators who coldly play on the weaknesses of their partners.

4. Complete lack of self-criticism. Psychopaths never admit their guilt - they always blame their partner for everything.

5. Psychopaths have very superficial, changeable emotions. Sometimes it seems that such a man himself does not know what he wants from his woman.

6. When a person with psychopathic tendencies wants to please, he can be very sweet and charming. But if you look closely, it becomes clear that his feelings are actually feigned.

7. Increased conflict and vindictiveness. When such a man feels that his interests are being infringed, he becomes enraged and can even be cruel to his woman.

If your partner's behavior matches at least 4 of the above 7 characteristics, he is most likely a psychopath.

Of course, only an experienced psychologist can make a final diagnosis. But such a type is unlikely to agree to see a psychologist.

Is it possible to find common ground with a psychopath?

Many women live with such men their entire lives, but they know neither happiness nor peace. In addition, you can never be sure of the loyalty and devotion of a psychopath.

He is quite capable of betrayal if it is beneficial to him. So, whether it is worth continuing such a relationship, only you can decide for yourself.

Previously, we talked about how to understand that your partner wants to end the relationship .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Who are psychopaths?
  2. Signs of psychopathy in men
  3. Is it possible to find common ground with a psychopath?