5 Mom's Recipes for a Happy Marriage That Don't Work in the 21st Century

28.04.2024 07:20

Modern families are significantly different from Soviet families. The traditions of the USSR have significantly influenced older generations. However, their instructions seem absurd to young people. And for good reason, because they are not working.

But this does not mean that you should ignore the advice of your experienced parent. By the way, aunts and grandmothers are also very good advisers. Highlight the right thoughts and get rid of the remnants of the past.

These are the most useless recipes for family happiness from our mothers.

“Be perfect for your spouse!”

You will get closer to the ideal if you want it. You don't have to go out of your way to justify all your husband's hopes.

Turn yourself into a sweet, pleasant and well-groomed lady, that will be enough.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Don't try to do everything at once early in the morning: make breakfast, comb your hair, put on makeup, iron your shirt and pants, see your spouse off to work.

Think about yourself, forget about self-sacrifice. Getting up early at dawn will not add joy and energy to you.

On the contrary, you will be exhausted and ruin your whole day.

Be mysterious and beautiful for your husband on special days. For example, on weekends and holidays. Delight your chosen one with delicious treats and new looks. But don't let him get used to good things.

Throw images of famous actresses and supermodels out of your head, allow yourself to relax. Look at your partner.

Surely traditional measurements mean nothing to him. Surely he is happy with his weight, height, wardrobe and appearance. Take an example from him - appreciate your natural beauty and do not "walk the line".

"It is your duty to look after the house. Always remember your duties!"

Have you heard anything about equality between men and women? It means that you are not obliged to become a servant for your other half.

Buy yourself modern household gadgets, and you will be happy. With them, cooking and cleaning will become pleasant and fun.

By the way, a man's participation in household chores will bring a lot of benefits. It is not shameful for a wife to clean and make coffee. This is a huge plus!

Your husband thinks he is not obliged to help you with the housework? But you earn money and manage to get around the house! It would be fair if your husband became your helper.

"Don't tell your chosen one about your illnesses. Men don't need sick women!"

This belief seems delusional. All people get sick, it's no secret.

If you have chronic diseases, it is unlikely that you will be able to hide them from your significant other your entire life.

I wonder how wise women behave? Do they endure unbearable pain in front of their spouse? Do they lie that they feel great and cheerful? Hardly. In marriage, all the most secret things are revealed. It is inevitable.

Imagine that you feel ill (God forbid, of course). Are you really going to crawl to the next street to call an ambulance? Of course not. You will lean on a strong man's shoulder. Your loved one will not abandon you in trouble, he will gladly help. Compare stupid advice with reality, and everything will become clear to you.

“Receive your husband’s friends with all honors”

Perhaps you never had the idea of causing a quarrel between your husband and his friends. But there are different cases.

Some friends come to visit together with their chosen ones, behave culturally, communicate normally. With such people you can be friends with families, go out into nature, have a good time.

Other friends barge into the house uninvited, bring booze, behave rudely, and talk loudly.

There is a lot of harm from such types. Your spouse can become an alcoholic next to them. Their bad influence will certainly have a bad effect on your marriage.

You don't need any extra problems. If it goes that far, you'll have to scare off these slobs. And let your husband decide what's more important to him - family or dubious friendship.

“Preserve your marriage with all your might, if you don’t want to change husbands like gloves!”

It happens that the ship called “love” often goes down. Many couples simply have bad relationships.

Civilized and reasonable people file for divorce in such cases.

Don't sit and suffer if you have no future. Even for the sake of your children. Believe me, your offspring will not appreciate your sacrifices many years later. They will probably shudder at the memory of their ruined childhood. If the children's father is a drunkard, a parasite, a tyrant or a gambler, they will not suffer from the divorce. On the contrary, the children will feel free.

Sometimes new love comes unexpectedly. First you get married, live peacefully with your husband, and then you realize that you like another man. It is unfair to lie to your legal spouse and then suffer from love. It can lead to cheating, and you don’t want to deceive your loved one, do you?

Perhaps your husband will fall in love himself and want to divorce you. Don't throw tantrums and don't hold him back. Wish your chosen one happiness and let him go in peace.

Money is also not a reason to save a family. Especially if your husband is greedy and petty. Staying with a wealthy miser, you are belittling yourself. He will always treat you like a hanger-on and save on you in every possible way. Remember this!

Earlier we talked about how to meet a girl you met at the gym .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. “Be perfect for your spouse!”
  2. "It is your duty to look after the house. Always remember your duties!"
  3. "Don't tell your chosen one about your illnesses. Men don't need sick women!"
  4. “Receive your husband’s friends with all honors”
  5. “Preserve your marriage with all your might, if you don’t want to change husbands like gloves!”