Three Types of Men a Woman Should Run From After the First Date

23.04.2024 01:20

After the first date, many women evaluate the potential of the relationship and try to understand what they can get out of it.

Therefore, it is worth remembering the 3 types of men from whom you should run headlong after the first date.

Selfish narcissist

Men of this type tend to be overly self-admiring and lack empathy. They can often be focused only on themselves and their own interests, ignoring the feelings and needs of their partner.

On the first date they may seem charming and attractive, but over time their selfishness becomes apparent.

If a man shows no interest in you and seems too busy with himself, it's a sign that you should run away from him without looking.

Photo: Pixabay


This type of man strives to control every aspect of life, from his time at work to his friends.

They may show signs of jealousy and have an inappropriate desire to control all aspects of life.

On the first date they may seem interested and caring, but as time goes on their behavior may become depressing.

If there is a feeling that a man is trying to limit your freedom and independence already on the first date, this is a serious signal to leave him and maintain your independence.

Promises too much

This type of man is known for his inability to keep promises and be consistent.

They may be charming and promise a lot on the first date, but later on their words may turn out to be empty.

If a man does not follow through on his promises and constantly makes empty promises, this can lead to disappointment and loss of trust. It is better to walk away than to wait for promises that will never come true.

In this way, many men simply try to attract the attention of their chosen one.

But in practice it will turn out that all his words are empty and have nothing to do with reality. This needs to be understood as early as possible, so as not to end up in a difficult situation.

Earlier we told you why you are still single .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Selfish narcissist
  2. "Controller"
  3. Promises too much