Attachment from one person to another is not the best quality that can develop in a relationship.
Experts say it's bad, but rarely explain why. Let's try to figure out why you should avoid such relationships.
First of all, independence
A person ceases to be independent and no longer understands whether he can rely on his own strength and experience.
Another danger is that in such a state a person stops perceiving himself as an individual, stops developing, his interests disappear and his social circle narrows.
Secondly, fear
It is possible that a person is really capable of more. Not only earning more, but also achieving significant growth in his career.
However, due to the fear of ending the relationship, he is afraid to change jobs or agree to other kinds of changes, wanting to save the family.
But in reality, at this moment, the unfortunate person is driven only by his own fears.
Thirdly, violence
Violence is not only physical. Having become attached to a partner and not imagining life without him, a person is ready to endure humiliation, ridicule and any manifestation of disrespect.
At the same time, experts believe that often the feeling of attachment is comfortable for victims of unhealthy relationships.
At the very least, in such conditions there is no need to make decisions and take responsibility for the mistakes made.
Earlier we told you about the mistakes a wife makes that will definitely make a husband want to file for divorce .