What Men Need to Know About Women

13.04.2024 01:20

The question of the relationship between men and women has always remained open for many centuries.

There is no such thing as an ideal relationship, but if you take into account some points on both sides, you can improve them and maintain them for a long period.

For men, it is simply necessary to know some facts about women, accept them and adhere to them.


All women need attention from the male sex. Without receiving any kind of attention, a woman withers away.

She always needs to be complimented, told that she is beautiful, smart and has a good figure. Even if a woman does not meet these parameters, you still need to talk.

Man Woman
Photo: Pixabay

From the outside and for the logical mind of men, this looks stupid, but a woman loves with her ears, so you need to always tell her something nice.

Mood swing

Unlike men, women are more emotional. And of course, this factor is not always stable.

Women tend to have frequent mood swings. Sometimes they themselves don't understand why this happens.

It may be a hormonal issue, especially in the postpartum period or with the onset of your period once a month.

And a common mistake men make is to sort things out, argue and fight. But a woman just needs to be understood and embraced.


Most women who are disappointed in their relationship and love with their partner claim that they don’t need it anymore. They are not ready to build new relationships, that they want to live for themselves, build a career and live for their own pleasure.

There is such a fact that women love not the person himself, but the state they experience next to him. And if they have experienced a crisis, difficulties and trauma, then of course, they do not want to return to this state, they are afraid of being disappointed again.

But every woman needs affection, attention, communication and love.

Confidence and confirmation of love

In fact, it is impossible to understand a woman, and for the next millennia it will be a useless exercise. She must be loved and constantly reminded of this.

Once is not enough, as many men believe. Say it once, and let him be content. This is not about women. They must be sure that they are loved now, in an hour, in a day and all the time.

"Free ears"

Women love to talk a lot. According to statistics, a woman speaks about 22 thousand words per day, and a man only 3 thousand.

This is explained by their emotional background. Women need to speak out. And it is the job of men to listen to them.

It is not necessary to listen to everything word for word, otherwise you can go crazy. But at least pretend that they are interested in everything you heard. And it is important to support this conversation-monologue during the time, inserting a couple of phrases, like "yes, you are right", "I understand", "wow". A woman will consider such a man an ideal interlocutor.

Questions directly

In the psychology of relationships between men and women, there are dictionaries for each category separately. Whatever a man says, he really thinks so, without hints and unnecessary phrases. A woman is a diametrically opposite direction.

If she says everything is fine, then everything is bad. At this point you need to come up to her and find out what happened.

If this is ignored, the woman will walk around with a sullen face or may even throw a scandal.


For every woman, shopping or going to a beauty salon is a balm. Even if she buys small kitchen utensils, she gets great pleasure, which means her mood is lifted.

Men should be around

This factor is one of the main ones. Women need a strong shoulder, because they often feel unprotected. No matter what happens, a man should say that everything is fine. And the woman will be calm.

Previously, we talked about how to distinguish a domestic quarrel from violence .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Attention
  2. Mood swing
  3. Love
  4. Confidence and confirmation of love
  5. "Free ears"
  6. Questions directly
  7. Shopping