A quarrel can break out even in the strongest family.
In the heat of anger, a woman can say words that are very unpleasant for her husband.
Perhaps the fair sex believes that a sharp phrase will calm down her angry husband and put him in his place.
In fact, the situation can only get worse. It is possible that the family will break up.
So, what phrases do women say during a quarrel that can ruin a relationship?
"You're lying!"
You can't accuse an angry spouse of lying. Especially if the accusation is unfounded.
An offended man can close himself off from his wife forever. Restoring normal relations will be very difficult.
"If you don't do this, then I..."
Blackmail and manipulation are unacceptable. There is no need to threaten your husband that you will leave him if he does not do the "right thing."
Such a phrase is unlikely to make an angry spouse calm down and make concessions. Most likely, the opposite effect will be achieved.
"I don't love you!" or "You don't love me!"
Both phrases are very dangerous. Even if they were said by a woman "on emotions" and do not reflect the real situation, a man can be very offended.
Perhaps he will forgive his wife. But at the same time he will remember the statement of his beloved woman for a long time.
Previously, 5 reasons to run away from a man headlong were named.