3 Types of Men You Shouldn't Build a Relationship With

15.03.2024 18:50

Before starting to date a particular representative of the stronger sex, a woman must determine what type her potential partner belongs to.

There are certain types of men with whom it will be very difficult for a girl to build personal happiness.

It's better not to start a relationship with such people at all.

Photo: Pixabay

What types of men are we talking about?


Such a partner will think about himself first and foremost.

A woman is unlikely to gain anything from such a relationship. And no amount of love will help.


This is how we can conventionally describe men who want to make as long a list of “favorite women” as possible.

"Collectors" are dangerous because they have good experience in relationships and know how to properly mislead girls.

At first, such a person will seem gallant and magnificent. But then the situation will change for the worse.


You should never date such men. And if a woman takes a risk, she shouldn't hope that her partner will "reform."

Previously, simple phrases that improve relationships were named.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Narcissistic
  2. "Collector"
  3. Aggressive

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