4 techniques to get your point across without offending anyone

13.02.2023 17:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 00:33

Everyone should have their own opinion. Only in this case can a person have individuality, stand out from others, be unique.

Of course, he wants all this. He can analyze what is happening, he can draw conclusions. But he will have problems expressing his point of view.

An individual may be too harsh, may be aware of it, understand that he offends others. But such a situation can always be corrected. You can express your opinion and not hurt other people's feelings. To do this, you need to follow several pieces of advice, use some techniques.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Don't get personal

You can start telling your interlocutor that he is somehow different, that he reasons incorrectly. But all this will definitely cause rejection. It is better to focus on your feelings, start talking about them.

To do this, you need to start your speech with the phrases “It seems to me…”, “I think…”. In this case, you will be able to convey your thoughts, show them to your interlocutor, and not criticize him.

Ask open-ended questions

It is important to remember that no one can read someone else's mind. This means that you should not hint at something. If you want to know something, you should ask direct, open questions. For example, you should not say "Have you spoken to the director?", but replace this question with "What did the director say?"

If we are talking about something that may be very personal, you need to initially explain your intentions, the reasons for your interest. Only then can you ask questions.

Choose place and time

You can speak correctly, but there will be no point in it if the time and place of the dialogue are chosen incorrectly. You should not start a conversation when the person is in a hurry, when he is not in the mood.

Also, you should not have serious conversations if the opponent is tired, depressed, or feels unwell. In such a case, communication will not be effective.

More specifics

It is necessary to act according to a certain method, scheme. To begin with, it is worth stating your position, do it briefly. Then you will need to justify it, indicate the reason why you have to think in the described way, justify it.

In conclusion, you should repeat the position. This will ensure that you will be heard.

Such advice should always be followed when communicating. In this case, it will be effective, will allow you to voice your position and not offend anyone.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Don't get personal
  2. Ask open-ended questions
  3. Choose place and time
  4. More specifics

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