4 Reasons It's Good to Be an Introvert

01.02.2023 09:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 19:00

Sociability is a trait that an individual should have. This is what society assumes, this opinion is widespread.

But not everyone has this feature. Another person may have developed communication skills, but at the same time love to be alone. He is considered an introvert, which often seems to others to be a deviation or not the most useful feature for life.

Yes, introversion has some disadvantages, but they are not the only ones. A person who is an introvert also has advantages. There are several of them.


A person who is not particularly eager to join the company will observe everything from the side. And from this position he will see everything better. He will not be distracted by conversations, he will notice the details of what is happening. He will draw the most correct conclusions.

This helps him not only in making decisions, but also in establishing contact. The introvert will thoroughly prepare for it, will analyze the characteristics of the interlocutor. It will not be difficult for him to find an approach to the latter during the conversation.

Photo: Pixabay


When a person is outside the group, he is not subject to its influence. Due to this, he can independently choose the direction of development, study something that interests him.

He will have more time to draw conclusions, to learn. So fewer mistakes will be made, and the goal will be reached faster.

Low risk exposure

Introverts produce dopamine in small quantities. Because of this, they are less likely than extroverts to take risks, which are also thoughtless.

They do not spend their lives in search of adrenaline and try not to expose themselves to unnecessary danger.

Ability to cope with psychological stress

Introverts have it more pronounced than extroverts. When a situation gets out of control, those who are comfortable outside of society will quickly restore their moral strength and find peace of mind.

A person will do this by reading, by meditating, by simply thinking. He will switch to energy conservation mode, will be able to immerse himself and find a way out of the situation that has developed.

These characteristics of an introvert are his virtues. And he should be proud of them.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Observation
  2. Curiosity
  3. Low risk exposure
  4. Ability to cope with psychological stress