No one likes to feel humiliated. Anyone who has experienced this at least once does not want to repeat it.
But this alone will not be enough to give up the role of a victim, to prevent others from showing their worst. It will take effort and action to change your situation.
You can get rid of humiliation by using fairly simple techniques. They should be described in detail.

Show a sense of humor
The one who does this will cease to be vulnerable. It will not be possible to humiliate the one who knows how to laugh at himself, who has the skill of self-irony. It is necessary to laugh at your shortcomings, mistakes and failures, to find something funny in everything in general.
In such a situation, those around you who are not in the best mood simply will not know what to grab onto in order to touch the individual on the raw.
Set clear boundaries
A person needs to understand what is unacceptable for him, what he does not want to tolerate under any circumstances. Next, you need to think about how exactly attempts to invade your territory will be stopped, what methods will be used for this.
When everything is worked out to the point of automatism, when it is applied every time, you will encounter negativity extremely rarely. And you will not have to react violently to it.
To experience feelings
Events need to be lived through, there is no point in hiding from them. You should allow yourself to show emotions, to be in some specific state.
In this case, you will be able to recognize your true self, show your natural state. And in this case, you will not have to be in a vulnerable position.
Analyze your weaknesses
And you don't need to do this with the goal of starting self-criticism. If you see your shortcomings, if you understand them, then you will be able to live with them, and treat them calmly.
No unflattering words about them will be able to touch a raw nerve or spoil their mood anymore.
Such simple rules will not allow a person to remain a victim. He will be confident in himself and his abilities, and will feel comfortable in any situation.