4 Types of Introverts: They Are Different

12.01.2023 09:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 10:01

Introverts are those who do not need constant communication, who feel good alone. Many people imagine them as closed, unsociable, those who are unable to establish contact.

The latter was not even close to the truth. Otherwise, everything is strictly individual, since representatives of the designated category are not the same.

All introverts can be divided into several types. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Social introvert

Such an individual is the introvert that stereotypical society imagines. He avoids large companies, prefers not to be in them, avoids them if possible.

He doesn't have social phobia, he just feels comfortable alone. He would prefer reading a book to a fun party, which would be more entertaining and curious for him.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Thinking introvert

Such an introvert may not seem like that at all. He will actively communicate, will interact with others. Even in large companies he can be seen.

But such a person will often immerse himself in memories, in thoughts in the subjunctive mood. He will imagine what would have happened if he had once acted differently. This will be a clear manifestation of his introversion.

Anxious introvert

Any attention to himself will be painfully perceived by such an individual. An anxious introvert will seek solitude, will remain alone under any circumstances that will dispose to it.

His distinctive feature is a tendency to self-flagellation. He will mentally return to the past, will reproach himself even for those mistakes that might not have happened in reality.

Reserved introvert

Indecisiveness and slowness will be observed in such a person. A reserved introvert will think a lot before making decisions, will worry whether he is doing everything right.

He will take a long time to get involved in any process, he will slow everyone down and everything. It will be difficult to work with him because of this.

All introverts are different, sometimes it is difficult to classify them into this category. You should take a closer look at those around you to learn to accurately determine who is who.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Social introvert
  2. Thinking introvert
  3. Anxious introvert
  4. Reserved introvert