Intuition is what helps a person make the right decisions when there is no way to choose something, relying only on facts, some arguments. Intuition itself is considered something innate: everyone has it, it’s just that some people have it well developed, and some have it poorly.
Although intuition is considered innate, it can and should be worked with.
This process is controllable and occurs through the acquisition of certain habits that influence the level of development of intuition.
To be left alone
There is no need to lead a recluse life. You just need to set aside a certain amount of time to forget about the daily hustle and bustle, some strong emotions, because they are the ones that prevent you from hearing the prompts of intuition.
When alone, it is important to listen to yourself, to put yourself in the other person's shoes, to determine what he or she might feel in a given situation. This will give you the ability to empathize, which goes hand in hand with intuition.
Development of creative thinking
In the process of everyday activity, a person strives to be rational, to be guided by logic when making any decisions. All this is an obstacle to intuition turning on, starting to work better. Creative activities force the brain to leave logic, start listening to itself, to embody its fantasies, ideas about something.
Such activities help to know yourself better, to begin to understand what the inner voice says. In this case, intuition will develop quite quickly.
Intuition itself will not exist. It is based on a certain life experience, on the ability to notice small details that will give the subconscious hints about which assumptions and thoughts are correct. You can start writing down some minor events that tend to be forgotten in a notebook, then write about what followed them.
This will make it much easier to establish some connections, sometimes surprising ones, to find coincidences that cannot be explained logically, but do exist.
No negative emotions
Any strong emotions take away energy, and this is an obstacle to the development of intuition. First of all, this concerns negative emotions, such as anger, rage.
When such feelings arise, a person becomes tense and cannot listen to himself. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to switch off from negativity, forgive yourself and other people so that negative emotions quickly go away. This will allow you to relax and listen to yourself.
Stopping the internal dialogue
Every person constantly thinks about something, mentally says something to himself. Such actions are only a distraction that does not allow listening to feelings, makes a person fuss.
To stop such a dialogue, you can master meditation, with its help you can start to control your thoughts. This will be very useful for gaining a well-developed intuition.
There are many situations where intuition is useful. Therefore, it is necessary to work on its development. This process will be long, sometimes difficult, but if you do everything in a system, do not retreat, then a good result will appear quite soon.