Proper communication with your loved one is the key to a happy relationship.
Unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex forget about this.
The result is the man’s dissatisfaction and the desire to break up.

Do you want your relationship to stay strong?
Then don't tell your companion about the following.
About past relationships
When talking to your current partner, you shouldn't mention your exes.
Trust me: if you constantly tell your date about guys you once dated, it won't end well.
Your loved one will come to the wrong conclusions and become jealous.
About cheating
Have you been unfaithful in past relationships?
Don't tell your current partner about this under any circumstances!
If you ignore this recommendation, you will most likely face the consequences described in the previous paragraph.
About "women's affairs"
Your companion is unlikely to be interested in hearing about cosmetics and beautiful clothes.
A representative of the stronger sex most likely does not want to talk about other women's topics either.
Don't "burden" your partner with unnecessary information. Especially if you see that the man is not very interested in the subject of conversation.
On the shortcomings of a man's relatives
When talking to your beloved man, never mention the shortcomings of his parents or other close people.
Such criticism can seriously anger your partner.
About boredom
Don't tell your partner that you're sad.
And especially don’t say the following: “I’m bored with you.”
It's better not to describe the problem, but simply offer your companion interesting options for spending time.