An extremely inventive schoolboy from Gomel has come up with a way to make money on the interest of some men in ladies of easy virtue.
The guy is 16 years old, but he already knows firsthand what it means to "scam". He also learned what it is like to be involved in a criminal case.
The press service of the Investigative Committee for the Gomel Region told about the young man’s fascinating criminal adventures.

How much did you think you would earn?
As we already know, the teenager targeted those who like to receive piquant services from ladies of easy virtue.
Naturally, he chose male representatives as his "clients". Before that, he "analyzed" fraudulent schemes for deceiving citizens on the Internet.
Of all the possible ones, I became interested in the method associated with luring money from men interested in available ladies.
The virtual “teachers” assured the teenager that the extorted money would first go to the drop card, and then, in the amount of 70% of this amount, to his crypto wallet, the Investigative Committee noted.
The young man bought access to a messenger account online, set a photo of an unknown girl from a social network as his avatar, and subscribed to Telegram dating channels.
Pay button
Users liked the beautiful picture, offered to meet, and inquired about prices.
The schoolboy sent them a link to an intermediary bot and a personal profile code.
Men were given access to the page of someone they thought could provide them with services of a racy nature.
But there was a "pay" button. And they did pay. But they didn't receive any services. In particular, during the summer holidays, at least two young men became victims.
And he himself did not receive the money promised by the "curator". But he received a criminal case for attempted fraud.
The guy may face big problems: the sanction of the relevant article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus provides for punishment from community service to 3 years of imprisonment.