What holiday is today: December 12, 2024

12.12.2024 00:01

Today is Thursday, December 12, 2024. Day 347 of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 19 days left until the end of the year.

Sunrise: 09:19. Astronomical noon: 13:03. Sunset: 16:48. Day length: 07:29. Night length: 16:31.

According to the church calendar, the following people celebrate their name day on December 12:

Daniil, Denis, Ivan, Nikolay, Paramon, Sergey, Fedor.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What holidays are celebrated on December 12


On December 12, people celebrate the birthday of the electric light bulb.

This Thursday also marks Ear Scratching Day, Fur Hat Day, and World Swallowing Day.

Another amazing holiday is associated with this date – Gingerbread House Day.


In the church calendar, December 12 of this year is the 25th Week after Pentecost.

In the Orthodox world they commemorate the martyr Paramon and the 370 martyrs with him, the martyr Philoumenos, the Venerable Acacius of Sinai, the holy martyr Saturninus, the first bishop of Toulouse, the holy martyr Aviv, the bishop of Nekresi, Saint Mardarius, the Venerable Nectarius of the Caves, and the holy martyr Sergius the priest.

This day in history

In 1961, the world's first amateur radio satellite, OSCAR-1, was launched into orbit in the United States.

In 2015, the Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted (signed on April 22, 2016).

Which celebrities were born on this day?

In 1761, the French sculptor Marie Tussaud, founder of the Madame Tussauds wax museum in London, was born.

In 1766, the Russian writer and historian Nikolai Karamzin was born. A remarkable fact: in 1797, he introduced the letter ё (first in the journal Aonides).

In 1821, the French realist writer Gustave Flaubert was born. He is considered one of the greatest European writers of the 19th century and wrote the novels Madame Bovary, Salammbô, Sentimental Education, and others.

In 1863, the Norwegian painter and graphic artist Edvard Munch was born, whose most recognizable image was the painting "The Scream".

In 1881, American industrialist Vincent Hugo Bendix, inventor of the automobile starter, was born.

In 1915, the American singer and actor Frank Sinatra was born. He performed more than two thousand songs by different authors in the studio and at concerts and starred in more than sixty films.

In 1924, the Soviet and Russian film artist Isaak Kaplanov was born, whose works include “Old Man Hottabych”, “My Dear Man”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “Horizon”, “Three Fat Men”, etc.

In 1925, Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer Vladimir Shainsky was born. He is known as the author of many popular songs and songs for children, including music for cartoons about Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena.

In 1927, American engineer Robert Noyce, one of the inventors of the integrated circuit, was born.

In 1946, Soviet and Russian pop artist and comedian Klara Novikova was born. She created hundreds of images on the stage, the most famous of which is "Aunt Sonya".

In 1951, Soviet and Russian traveler, writer, artist Fyodor Konyukhov was born. He made 5 solo circumnavigations of the world, crossed the Atlantic 17 times (once in a rowboat), and was the first Russian to visit all Seven Summits.

In 1970, American actress Jennifer Connelly was born, who achieved fame with the release of the films Dark City, Requiem for a Dream, A Beautiful Mind, and others.

In 1977, Russian film and television actor, TV presenter, producer, screenwriter Sergei Svetlakov, former member of the KVN team "Uralskie Pelmeni" and the project "Nasha Russia" was born.

In 1985, Brazilian and Russian footballer, goalkeeper Guilherme, a former player of the Russian national team, the first naturalized footballer from abroad in its history, was born.

Folk omens

December 12 is popularly known as Paramon the Winter Indicator, Paramon's Day.

On this day, people predicted the weather for the entire winter.

The peasants hurried to see the sunset. They believed that if the morning on Paramona was red and clear, then the whole of December would be the same.

If it snowed in the morning, the snowstorm will last until St. Nicholas Day (December 19).

If there is no snow by this time, the winter will be warm and snowless.

If the snowflakes become big, it will soon get warmer.

Lunar calendar

In the lunar calendar, December 12 of the year is the 12th lunar day. The moon is in the waxing phase and in the sign of Taurus.

The celestial body will rise at 13:39 and set at 04:56.

This Thursday is not very suitable for romantic and interpersonal relationships. The probability of conflicts and disagreements is high, also in the business sphere. It is better to devote it to charity, give alms, make gifts and fulfill other people's requests.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. According to the church calendar, the following people celebrate their name day on December 12:
  2. What holidays are celebrated on December 12
  3. This day in history
  4. Which celebrities were born on this day?
  5. Folk omens
  6. Lunar calendar

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