Today is Sunday, December 1, 2024. Day 336 of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 30 days left until the end of the year.
Sunrise: 09:05. Astronomical noon: 12:58. Sunset: 16:52. Day length: 07:47. Night length: 16:13.
According to the church calendar, the following people celebrate their name day on December 1:
Nikolay, Plato, Roman.

What holidays are celebrated on December 1st
It is logical that December 1st is celebrated as the First Day of Winter.
This Sunday also marks Tire Fitter Day, White Goat Day and Antarctica Day.
It is worth congratulating neurologists on this international day.
In the church calendar, December 1 of this year is the 23rd Week after Pentecost.
Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the martyr Plato, the martyrs Romanus the Deacon and the youth Barulus, the martyrs Zacchaeus, deacon of the Gadarene Church, and Alphaeus, reader in Caesarea of Palestine, Saint Nicholas the Confessor, priest. Other notable events include the Council of Saints of the Estonian Land.
This day in history
In 1800, the music publishing house of Hofmeister and Kühnel was founded in Leipzig, now one of the oldest music publishing houses in the world, "Edition Peters".
In 1887, the story "A Study in Scarlet", the first book about Sherlock Holmes, was published.
In 1891, James Naismith invented the game of basketball.
In 1903, the first western, The Great Train Robbery, was released.
In 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed, which prohibited the use of Antarctica for any military purposes.
In 1988, World AIDS Day, proclaimed by the UN, was celebrated for the first time.
In 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus infection began in the city of Wuhan.
Which celebrities were born on this day?
In 1716, the French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet was born, the author of the composition of the monument to the Russian Emperor Peter I in St. Petersburg – the so-called “Bronze Horseman”.
In 1743, the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth was born, who discovered the chemical elements uranium, zirconium, titanium, cerium, tellurium, as well as the phenomenon of polymorphism.
In 1792, the Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, the creator of Lobachevsky geometry, was born.
In 1864, Norwegian polar explorer Carsten Borchgrevink was born, becoming the first person to set foot on the shores of Antarctica.
In 1886, American writer Rex Stout, author of detective novels, was born.
In 1910, Soviet film director Gennady Kazansky was born, whose works include the films "Old Man Hottabych", "The Snow Queen", "Amphibian Man", and others.
In 1912, American architect Minoru Yamasaki was born. He designed the World Trade Center in New York, which was destroyed in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
In 1922, Soviet football and hockey player, football and hockey coach Vsevolod Bobrov, Olympic champion and world champion in hockey, was born.
In 1923, the Belgian cartoonist, comic book artist, and illustrator Maurice de Bevere, creator of the best-selling comic Lucky Luke (an animated series about a gunslinger in the Wild West of the United States), was born.
In 1945, Soviet and Russian actor, comedian and comedian Gennady Khazanov was born. Viewers love and remember his parodies and variety monologues, and are also grateful to him for giving voice to the parrot Kesha in three parts of the cartoon "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot".
In 1956, Soviet and Russian illusionist, actor, circus performer, TV presenter Amayak Akopyan was born, who starred in the films "Poor Masha", "They Didn't Get Along", "The Master and Margarita" and others.
In 1975, Russian theater and film actress Ksenia Gromova was born, who played a role in the film “My Husband is a Genius”.
In 1980, South Korean short track speed skater Kim Yun-mi was born, a two-time Olympic relay champion and the youngest champion in the history of the Winter Olympic Games in all sports.
In 1988, American actress, singer and model Zoe Kravitz was born, who played the roles of Angel Salvador in the superhero film X-Men: First Class, Christina in the Divergent film series and Leta Lestrange in the Fantastic Beasts series.
Folk omens
December 1st is popularly known as Platon and Roman the Winter-Pointers.
The weather on December 1st will determine the weather for the entire winter.
If you see revived mosquitoes or flies, expect a thaw.
The blizzard outside promises snowfall on Maslenitsa.
A crow walking around the yard foretells warmer weather, and a moon in a circle in the sky promises snowfall.
Lunar calendar
In the lunar calendar, December 1 of the year is the 2nd lunar day. The celestial body is in the "New Moon" phase and in the zodiac sign Sagittarius.
The Earth's satellite will rise at 09:23 and set at 15:14.
This Sunday is a great day to start exercising, doing therapeutic fasting or dieting. All your endeavors will get extra energy.
Pay attention to negative qualities such as anger and greed, overcoming them will help you successfully implement new projects.
For reference
A holiday is a period of time set aside on the calendar in honor of something or someone, which has a sacred (non-everyday, mythical) meaning and is associated with a cultural or religious tradition.