Today, December 4, Orthodox believers, including those in Belarus, celebrate the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
This is one of the most important holidays in the church calendar, with its roots in ancient times.
According to legend, the parents of the future Mother of God, the righteous Joachim and Anna, had no children until old age.

At some point, they turned to the Lord in prayer, asking to bless them with a child.
The couple promised that if they had a child, they would prepare him to serve God as a sign of gratitude.
Introduction to the Temple of Jerusalem
A miracle happened: they had a girl. They named her Maria.
When she turned three years old, her parents, fulfilling their promise, brought her into the Jerusalem temple and gave her over for upbringing.
There the high priest met the girl with his retinue, among whom was Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.
In order to enter the temple, one had to climb 15 high steps, which seemed beyond the strength of a child.
But Mary quickly overcame all the steps. And then the high priest, inspired by the Holy Spirit, led the Most Holy Virgin into the most sacred place in the temple.
No one had the right to visit this location - only the high priest himself, and even then only once a year.
Therefore, the introduction of Mary became a marvelous wonder for the huge number of local people who had gathered.
Having fulfilled their vow, Joachim and Anna returned home, and Mary remained to live at the temple.
What is customary to do on this day?
Traditionally, Orthodox Christians visit church on the feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
Afterwards, as is customary, they gather with loved ones at the table, where mainly Lenten dishes are served.
However, fish is also allowed, as well as a little red wine.
In addition, it was customary on this day to treat godchildren with sweets and give gifts.
And the people organized festive fairs and sledding down hills.
What not to do
On this day, general cleaning is prohibited; it is recommended not to do household chores in principle.
Taboo includes swearing and cursing, as well as unkind discussions of other citizens.
It is also forbidden to lend money on this holiday, since it is believed that such an action will lead to financial problems.
It is strongly not recommended today to organize luxurious feasts with unbridled fun and excessive consumption of food and alcoholic beverages.
If you don’t follow the advice, then, as the legend goes, trouble may arise in the family.