Beautiful, stylish and elegant glass goblets can turn into stunning decorations for a festive table.
Elena Shimanovskaya glasses a vessel washing dishes ammonia Useful tips 1 December 2024Keeping broken dishes in the house can lead to trouble.
Elena Shimanovskaya a vessel signs folk beliefs Useful tips 30 January 2024Glassware can start to look duller over time. But the situation can be corrected, and glasses and salad bowls can easily be restored to their former shine if you remember a few tricks when washing such dishes.
Olga Kotova glasses a vessel washing dishes life hacks Useful tips 16 January 2024A simple life hack that will bring any tarnished glassware and cutlery back to life.
Igor Zur tips for housewives household tricks life hacks foil Useful tips 3 January 2024Everyone wants their dishes to look perfect during the holidays. The situation is complicated if the glasses become cloudy and streaky after washing.
Olga Kotova glasses a vessel washing washing dishes Useful tips 28 December 2023