Whether the onions will grow large depends not least on what crops are growing in the neighboring beds.
We'll tell you which plants are bad neighbors for onions.
What should not be planted next to onions
Onions tolerate the proximity of almost all plants well, if they grow at a sufficient distance and do not shade the bed.

Onions also have no special claims to their predecessors; they grow well after any vegetable crops.
The only thing onions don’t like is growing in the same bed.
Onions can be returned to their old location no earlier than three to four years later.
Otherwise, the onion will suffer more from pests and diseases, and the yield will decrease significantly.
The best neighbors for onions are carrots, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, and chicory.
It is especially useful to grow onions next to carrots. This crop protects onions from onion flour.
Carrots will also benefit from being close to onions; they will suffer less from the carrot fly.
You can't plant beans and peas next to onions: they will cling to the onion feathers, and you can forget about the harvest.