You can grow onions in the same place for no more than two years in a row.
We tell you what you can plant after onions and what you shouldn’t.
What can and cannot be planted after onions
It is strictly forbidden to plant garlic and other onion crops, including perennial and ornamental onions, after onions.

Also, you should not plant bulbous flowers (tulips, gladioli, etc.) after onions.
Immediately after harvesting onions, you can plant early-ripening vegetables (radishes, Chinese cabbage, beans, peas), greens and green manure.
The following year, it is recommended to plant cabbage, nightshade, pumpkin, beets, carrots, corn, greens, and garden strawberries in the former onion bed.
After what to plant onions? Ideal predecessors for it are legumes, pumpkins, early cabbage, radishes, green manure.
Onions can also be planted after nightshades, root crops, late cabbage, corn, and garden strawberries.
For reference
Onion is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Onion, subfamily Onion, family Amaryllis, a widespread vegetable crop.