What to do if rodents have damaged an apple tree so much that it cannot be saved: there is a solution

04.12.2024 21:21

Experienced gardeners know that an apple tree eaten by rodents can almost always be saved.

If the damage is minor, you can help the tree by covering the wounds with garden pitch.

To heal wounds, you can use a decoction of linden bark. 200 g of bark should be poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for 40 minutes.

This should be done in early spring. When the decoction has cooled, it should be filtered and then the damaged areas should be coated with the resulting mass. The next step is to wrap the trunk with thick paper. To keep it in place, tie it with twine.

The tree is supposed to remain in this state for several months – this time should be enough for its wounds to heal.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Didn't help? Don't give up. Boil sunflower oil, wait until it cools and mix with tar. This solution should be applied to the trunk three times a day - after just a few days, the oil coating will become a new layer of bark.

An apple tree with serious damage that cannot be restored should be pruned.

The trunk should be cut 1-2 cm above the lowest bud. A new shoot will appear from it in the spring. This method is called "trunk cut for reverse growth" and is recommended for trees older than five years.

Don't forget to use garden pitch to treat the cut area.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources