Probably, each of us strives for privacy and wants to have our own corner where we can relax and enjoy the silence.
However, sometimes this desire is hindered by the curiosity of others, or rather, neighbors, who want to know more about our lives than we would like to tell them.
An expert of the online publication BelNovosti, agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh told how this problem can be solved by landscaping your plot.

What plants are suitable as a barrier?
Coniferous plants with lush evergreen crowns will allow you to create a hedge and at the same time decorate your garden.
These include thuja, juniper, yew and hybrid cypress. When choosing a variety, consider the height of the adult plant to create a harmonious composition.
Among the perennial climbing vines that beautifully twine around fences, house walls and gazebos, I would like to highlight wild grapes, common ivy, honeysuckle and Chinese magnolia vine.
Please note: in order for these plants to develop fully, it is necessary to install supports for them or choose a suitable place for their growth.
Another worthy option is climbing annuals, which grow quickly.
These are quamoclit feathery, momordica, mad cucumber, morning glory and rhodochiton. These vines allow you to change the appearance of your site every year and, as they say, experience the diversity of the plant world.
Finally, the last plants on our list, but by no means the least important, are flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs 2-3 meters high: hawthorn, spirea, lilac, hydrangea and serviceberry.
You will kill two birds with one stone if you plant shrubs instead of a fence that produce useful fruits after flowering, such as rose hips and chokeberries.