Three varieties of greenhouse tomatoes that bear fruit in any weather: what advanced gardeners choose

22.01.2025 02:20

Growing tomatoes in open ground and getting a large harvest is possible only in those regions where spring comes early and summer is consistently warm.

That is why many summer residents grow tomatoes in greenhouses.

We tell you about three varieties of greenhouse tomatoes that advanced gardeners choose.

What tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse

Firstly, "De Barao giant". Cold-resistant and shade-tolerant variety, bears fruit in any weather.

The yield of this variety reaches 18 kilograms per square meter.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fruits are sweet and sour, juicy, transportable, and store well.

Secondly, "Bull's Heart Red". Very resistant to pests and diseases.

The yield is up to 15 kilograms per square meter. The fruits are sweet, transportable, and storable.

Thirdly, "Eagle's Heart". It is distinguished by its resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.

A very productive variety, up to 20 kilograms of tomatoes can be harvested from a square meter.

The fruits are sweet, sugary, transportable, keep well, and not prone to cracking.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor