The white fluffy coating on the mulch is the Sclerotinia fungus, which destroys the roots of plants within a week.
Ecologist Lidiya Volkova warns: "The spores are carried by the wind and remain in the soil for up to 5 years. If no action is taken, the fungus will spread to the entire garden."
The first signs of infestation are: plants wilting without reason, white “pads” on the mulch and a sour smell from the beds.

Algorithm of actions
1. Remove infected mulch and burn it.
2. Pour iodine solution over the soil (10 ml per 10 l of water) – it kills spores without harming the microflora.
3. Sprinkle the soil with ash (1 cup per m²) for disinfection.
Summer resident Pavel from Tver shared: "I replaced sawdust with pine bark - it contains phytoncides that suppress fungus. Now I mulch only with it!"
For prevention, add mustard powder (1 tbsp per bucket) or tobacco dust to the mulch. The Organic Farming study (2023) confirmed that these agents reduce the risk of infection by 70%.
If the fungus has already spread to the plants, spray them with garlic infusion (200 g per 5 l of water, leave for 24 hours) or a soda solution (2 tbsp. per 10 l).
Use chemical fungicides only as a last resort - they kill beneficial bacteria.
How to restore the soil after infection? Plant green manure: mustard and radish release substances that suppress Sclerotinia. After 2 months, dig up the beds with the addition of compost.
Important: Never use fresh manure for mulch - it is a "treat" for fungus. Choose well-rotted compost or straw.
In greenhouses, ventilate the room regularly - high humidity provokes outbreaks of the disease.