You spend money on expensive drugs, but roses still get sick? It turns out that salvation is in your refrigerator.
From pests
The common garlic you add to your soup can be a powerful weapon against pests.
Chop 5-6 cloves, pour a liter of boiling water over them, let it sit for a day and spray the bushes.

Aphids and spider mites will disappear in two days, and the smell will repel even ants. But that's not all.
From diseases
If your roses suffer from black spot, milk will help. Dilute it with water 1:10 and treat the leaves - milk fat will create a protective film, and lactobacilli will suppress the fungus.
Growth stimulants
And for lush flowering, water the bushes once a month with water with castor oil added (1 teaspoon per 5 liters). The roots will receive a powerful charge of microelements, and the buds will become larger.
But there are other secrets. For example, a banana peel buried near the roots will saturate the soil with potassium.
And coffee grounds scattered around the bushes will scare away snails and make the flowers brighter.
If roses are not growing well, try a "cocktail": 1 tbsp. soda, 1 aspirin tablet and 1 tsp. ammonia per 5 liters of water. Spray once every two weeks - this will protect against diseases and speed up growth.
Proper care
And don't forget about pruning. Remove faded buds immediately, cutting down to the first healthy leaf. This will stimulate new shoots.
And if the bush is old, carry out rejuvenating pruning: remove all branches older than three years.
And lastly: never water roses from above! Water on the leaves causes fungus. Water only under the roots, preferably in the morning.