One of the main headaches for gardeners, horticulturists and summer residents is ants.
Countless hordes of these voracious insects pose a real threat to many cultivated crops.
That is why you should not plant those that are especially loved by the ant tribe.

Among these are peonies, which attract hordes of insects with their sweet and fragrant buds.
They also like low-growing plants, such as milkweed.
Ants are also not averse to feasting on the seeds, juice and pollen of some other plants.
In particular, this is millet, which is a traditional food for ants.
Poppy seeds contain carbohydrates, protein, fatty acids and vitamins, which makes ants very happy.
Mustard - its seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals.
In addition, they have antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Rapeseed also contains protein, vitamins and fatty acids, which are valued by ants.
Amaranth serves as a source of health and strength for them.