Many gardeners have “registered” violets, a flower of extraordinary beauty, in their homes.
But we would like this fabulous plant to delight the eye with its flowering all year round, which, alas, is not always the case.
There is a simple way to achieve what you want and always enjoy the beauty of your favorite flower.
First of all, you need to ensure proper care for the plant, starting from its “place of residence” – the pot.
This container should be small, so that the volume of violet leaves is approximately 2 times larger than the volume of the pot.
Such a pot, which is very comfortable for its occupant, should be kept where the flower will not be directly exposed to sunlight (the violet loves diffused light).
As for watering, don’t overdo it, it should be moderate.
About once every 4-6 months, wash the leaves of the plant, which accumulate dust, preventing it from breathing and developing fully.
Well, now about how to ensure that the violet blooms all year round. It is enough to bury 1-2 bay leaves under the foliage of the flower.
The reason is that bay leaf has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
It contains a lot of acetic and formic acid, which act as a kind of stimulant for the flowering of this plant.
For a greater effect, once a year, bury dried citrus zest, rich in vitamins and a number of other useful substances, ground in a coffee grinder under the violet.
One teaspoon is enough.
For reference
Violet is a genus of plants of the Violet family (Violaceae).