As you know, not every variety of cucumber is suitable for canning.
Therefore, when planning this process, you should be extremely careful when choosing a vegetable.
The most ideal option for canning, as experienced gardeners say, is the medium-climbing variety "Lukhovitsky".
But there is a nuance. The vines of this cucumber can shoot up so high that they even reach two meters in height.
This is why it is recommended to tie up the plant without fail.
Those in the know point out the following fact: up to 4 kilos of cucumbers can be collected from one bush per season.
According to them, the fruits do not outgrow, and their length, as a rule, does not exceed nine centimeters.
The cucumbers are dark green with light stripes all the way to the top.
They can be eaten fresh or canned. Many summer residents prefer the latter option.
They also report that even after canning, the fruits retain their crunch and excellent taste, while holding their shape perfectly.
In addition to other advantages, the variety is resistant to diseases and pest attacks.
These cucumbers also do not require special care – they are very unpretentious.