Many gardeners and vegetable growers traditionally prefer to use marigolds to combat pests.
However, there are flowers that solve these kinds of problems much more effectively.
For example, pyrethrum. It is considered one of the most valuable plants in this part, - said the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

Miracle Plant
The flower is also called Dalmatian chamomile and pink pyrethrum.
It is on this basis that insecticides are made, which experts call some of the most harmless insecticides.
Experienced gardeners say: after they planted pyrethrum in their plots, there were much fewer mites, aphids, and other small pests.
These flowers also serve as excellent raw materials for homemade remedies to drive out garden enemies.
We prepare the mixture
Here is a recipe for making such a homemade solution.
You need a 0.5 l jar. We will collect pyrethrum there and pour boiling water over it, then let it brew for several hours.
Then add a little bit of laundry soap solution. That's it, you can spray the plants affected by aphids.
This malicious creature is eliminated within ten minutes due to paralysis.
How else is the flower used?
The flower can be dried, crushed, and then sprinkled in the garden. About half of the pests will disappear.
In a greenhouse, Dalmatian chamomile will be an excellent protector against whiteflies.
And if you set fire to the dry parts of the flower, flies and mosquitoes will instantly disappear, since they cannot stand this “aroma”.
Treat the holes when planting potatoes with pyrethrum infusion - the wireworm will be gone.
If you “register” Dalmatian chamomile with bulbous plants, you will no longer see rodents there.