Many gardeners have forgotten about this unique fertilizer. Remember it to get the most delicious tomatoes

09.02.2025 10:06

Since ancient times, people have used a unique fertilizer on their land plots when growing tomatoes.

It allowed us to obtain a constant, abundant harvest of tomatoes, which were tasty and juicy.

Another advantage, proven over the years, is that plants with such a “treat” invariably become stronger and more resistant to diseases.

The recipe for making the product is ancient, and therefore, perhaps, it has been undeservedly forgotten by many in favor of modern technologies.

But here's the trick: the latter do not always give the same results as this truly folk remedy, which also prolongs fruiting.

Photo: © Belnovosti

We are talking about yeast feeding. To prepare it you need:

– 100 grams of fresh or dry yeast;
– 250 grams of sugar;
– 3 liters of boiled or settled water.

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, then pour the solution into a three-liter jar with the remaining water.

Add sugar, mix and cover with gauze or a waffle towel.

It is necessary to shake the contents periodically. As soon as fermentation has completely stopped, the feeding is ready.

Before use, a glass of infusion should be diluted in 10 liters of water.

We add a liter of the prepared product to each plant. We do this three times per season.

Thanks to this feeding, tomatoes become more resistant to temperature changes.

This fertilizer stimulates their growth and prolongs fruiting.

The fruits will ripen strong, juicy and tasty.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor